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Come on ❗️Animals😁

2021.6.4 2歳児 子どもたちの日々の様子 英語・中国語

Come on ❗️Animals😁

Hello everybody, I’m Chinese and English teacher,My name is Jin.👨‍🏫

This month, we mainly learn the names and sound of various animals!

Please looking forward to this. ♪♪♪ 🐰🐸🐱🐤



Old McDonald had a farm

And on that farm he had a rabbit

E~ I~ E~ I~ O😼

Byo Byo here

Byo Byo there

E~ I~ E~ I~ O😼

👍👍👍Everyone looked at my mouth carefully and tried to learn pronunciation.Wonderful everyone:)✨Everybody is Wonderful ❗️


皆さん、こんにちは、中国語・英語講師 保育士の金です✨。


楽しみに待っていてくださいね♪♪ 🐰🐸🐱🐤






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