Avenir nursery school is a nursery school that intergrates both nursery and cram school elements together.

Company-led nursery school under the jurisdiction of the Cabinet Office

facebook access tel:03-5477-0130 fax:03-5477-0555

Avenir nursery school is a nursery school that intergrates both nursery and cram school elements together.

Avenir Nursery School An up-and-coming nursery school that integrates both nursery and cram school elements together. Avenir Nursery School An up-and-coming nursery school that integrates both nursery and cram school elements together.

We create our own unique curriculums together with our English and Chinese specialist speaking teachers.

The tour which will be admitted in April 2022, will start in January 2022.
Please click here for information
about our empty-handed childcare assembly.

First founding nursery children and guardians.

We create our own unique curriculums together with our English and Chinese specialist speaking teachers.

The tour which will be admitted in April 2022, will start in January 2022.
Please click here for information
about our empty-handed childcare assembly.

What is Avenir?

Avenir nursery school is an up-and-coming nursery school that integrates both nursery and cram school elements together.

We create our own unique curriculums together with our English and Chinese specialist speaking teachers.

“Foreign Languages” is now mandatory from elementary school onwards.
Avenir Nursery takes it a step further by introducing Chinese lessons as well.

Preparation for admission to the nursery can be completed at the nursery so feel free to come empty handed.

For More Details

Avenir’s Initiative

At Avenir the 1 year olds are on the 1st floor and children on the 2nd floor are the 0 and 2 year olds. We create our own curriculum based on each stage of development so that the child’s day can be healthy and enjoyable. All staff members are above national standards and all of them are qualified holders or expected to acquire qualifications. They make full use of their wealth of knowledge and experience to provide daily childcare.


Principal Blog

  • 2022.01.04

    1月 新年のご挨拶

    いつも、ブログをご覧になっていらっしゃる皆様。 新年、明けましておめでとうございます...

Principal Blog List

English & Chinese Blog

  • 2022.03.25

    Let's dance!

    こんにちは にじ組の石原です。 Hello, I am Ishihara, Rainbow Class. にじ組の子...

English & Chinese Blog List

Staff Blog

  • 2022.03.26


    こんにちは にじ組石原です。   うみ組さんの担任がせっせと何かを製作中… ...

Staff Blog List

0 Year Olds Blog

  • 2022.03.25

    3月14日~3月19日の献立 🌸うみ組🌸

    3月の3週目に作って頂いた美味しいお昼です〜 14日 月曜日 ●ホワイトデー☆クリーム...

0 Year Olds Blog List

1 Year Olds Blog

  • 2022.03.25

    3月14日~3月19日の献立 🌸そら組🌸

    3月の3週目に作って頂いた美味しいお昼です〜 14日 月曜日 ●ホワイトデー☆クリーム...

1 Year Olds Blog List

2 Year Olds Blog

  • 2022.03.25

    3月14日~3月19日の献立 🌸にじ組🌸

    3月の3週目に作って頂いた美味しいお昼です〜 14日 月曜日 ●ホワイトデー☆クリーム...

2 Year Olds Blog List
Inquiries About Admission Inquiries